This isn’t your grandma’s publishing house.

(Unless your grandma is really cool, swears on occasion, and helps women become bestselling authors on the reg. Then, it’s exactly your grandma’s publishing house 😎 )

Redefining the self-publishing space.

I never planned to build a publishing company. I have always wanted to be an author, but was perpetually told it would be “too difficult” to become one. The way you became an author 20 years ago was the only possible way you could become an author, so the well-intentioned authority figures in my life only knew to warn me about that one way: the hard way.

Traditional publishing is no longer the only way. I am on a mission to empower women to self-publish their own work and create intentional impact and increased income simply by using their words.

As a corporate-climber turned entrepreneur, I began my career in the Canadian fitness industry and worked my up to just under the Vice President of the company. After suffering from severe postpartum body image and confidence issues, I started a small social platform that documented my journey through motherhood and confidence - and started a brand called “Momfident AF”. I began journalling as a way to overcome my lack of confidence and overall body negativity, and after seeing great results over time, I thought to myself… what if other moms could benefit from journalling the way I have? So with the inherent desire to help even just one other mom struggling with self-love, in 2018 I self published my first journal on Amazon: the #MomfidentAF Self-Love Journal. Then I created a similar journal for girls.

This work truly evolved organically and after many women asked me how I was able to self-publish my books, I decided to create a collaborative book about self-love. From there, a second volume emerged, and then a third book, a fourth, fifth, sixth… and we’ve just filled our eleventh co-author book in 3 years. Soon women began asking me if I could help them privately, so my independent publishing practice began in early 2020. I also published my brand-titled book MOMFIDENT AS F*CK in 2020.

What started as a dream became a reality, and now I’m honoured to be able to help hundreds of women each year fulfill their own goal of becoming an author, too.

If becoming an author is a goal of yours, I know I can help you. My team of creative, professional woman are ready to help bring your book to life. The only requirements are drive and determination. So let’s go.


Courtney St Croix, CEO, LeadHer Publishing

Your genius. Our execution.

If you don’t go first, how can anyone benefit from what you have to offer? Self-publishing is an intricate process that takes time, but it has an amazing ROI and opens a portal of opportunity that you may have never known existed before. It’s about more than just one book or journal. It’s about who you impact with your words, your story, your blueprint or system… that has intense ripple affects that can expand globally across multiple platforms and locations. You create credibility, expand your reach and exposure, and have the power to begin sharing your voice in more ways than just the written form.

It may start with the book, but you’ll be blown away with where you end up.

Never, and I mean NEVER did I think I would be able to include ‘author’ to my list of accomplishments. I am so happy I got to share my story with many many folks, in hopes that I can inspire other women who can relate. Working with LeadHer Publishing has been life changing.”

- Alicia T, Co-Author, Body Bliss