20 Prompts To Help You Write A Bestseller

Deciding you want to write a book and actually writing the book are two completely different things. Trust me, as an author of multiple self-published books I’m very aware of the disparity. Sometimes you have ideas but no time to write. Sometimes you have great intentions, scheduled time to sit down to write and well, the words just don't come.

Yes, my friend, I'm talking about writers’ block.

Avoiding writer’s block is why I always outline my book before I start writing so that I have an idea of what I'm writing about, I can follow a schedule and not be left at the mercy of inspiration.

But what if you’re stuck during the outline process? You might have an idea of what you want to write about, generally but you’re drawing a blank when it comes to putting pen to paper and start writing down some tangible topics. I've got you friend.

Whether you're looking to turn “I've got an idea for a book” into, you know, an actual book or you're desperately seeking new inspiration for a work in progress collecting virtual dust, this post is for you. Here are a collection of prompts that will help you reach deep into the banks of your memory to pull out almost-forgotten moments and start to think critically about some themes you can include in your book.

Go through and try to journal about each one without censoring yourself, and just let whatever comes out naturally flow. Be warned - these are pretty juicy so make sure you’re in a space to write some ideas as they come to you.

Here's a tip - keep a “parking lot” handy while you write, aka a specific spot in your notebook to park your ideas while you’re actively writing or working on something else. This spot will help you actively clear your mind so you can focus on what you’re working on, and make sure you don’t lose any of those precious fleeting ideas. When you’re sitting down to outline your book or expand on any of the themes you can refer back to your parking lot of juicy ideas ready and waiting for you.

Best-selling non-fiction writing prompts:

  1. What is an important message you want readers to take away?

  2. What is a distinct before/after moment that stands out?

  3. What is something you wish your younger self would've known?

  4. When were you afraid but did it anyway?

  5. What moment of personal growth do you feel others could relate to?

  6. What is something most people would be surprised to learn about you?

  7. What is something you learned that still has an impact on your daily life?

  8. Where do you find the most peace? Inspiration? Energy?

  9. What motivates you the most?

  10. What have you learned that you would teach other people to make their lives easier/better?

  11. How would you sum up your life in a headline?

  12. What is one of your favourite quotes? Why does it have an impact on you?

  13. What events have changed your perspective on life? How?

  14. What did you learn from your first job that is still useful to this day?

  15. How do think others view you? How do you want them to view you?

  16. Who had the most impact on you when you were younger? How about as an adult? What did you learn from them?

  17. Do you have 2 parts of your identity that conflict each other? How do you balance them?

  18. If you could rewrite your own life story, what would you change about it?

  19. What obstacles or events in your life do you think help define who you are today?

  20. What do you want people to take from your book? Inspiration? Advice? Feeling seen?

If writer’s block has set you back on more than one occasion you might need more than a little bit of inspiration. How about a really solid plan, done-for-you templates *and* writing buddy accountability? My new course Write Now is created for writers just like you who have the DESIRE to write a book but need a little help getting started (...okay and finishing).

This downloadable mini-course comes with a writer’s dream toolkit including a book clarity blueprint, non-fiction book outline template, done-for-you writing calendar & word count, video training and accountability nudges. It’s self-paced and instantly downloadable so you can get started as soon as you’re ready! Click here to check out the course.


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