5 Reasons Why Doing Less In A Day Is MORE Productive.

I’m here to blow your mind with a simple productivity hack that every busy mom and business owner should know. Ready?

Be more organized by doing less tasks.

WHAT?! Taking things OFF your to-do list when you have so much to do?!

YES. Wild, I know. But trying to get *all the things* done off a mile-long to-do list while adding new things is...well, I’m just going to say it. It’s impossible.

So, in a work smarter not harder type of way, here’s why you need to start to be intentional and limit the tasks you take on each day (I have a simple 5-task per day method):

1. Overwhelm = unorganized (or vice versa). Not being organized leads to important things being missed. It’s kind of like when you don’t create a grocery list for yourself (because you can remember everything!) and then you end up forgetting the *one thing* you really needed. Now you have to make a second trip, which is the opposite of time-saving.

As much as people want to believe they work best under pressure, we truly do not think or perform our best when we’re stressed or overwhelmed. Things end up being missed, which can cause more work for you in the end. Plus if you stay organized, you don’t have to constantly get organized. That’s the dream..I know.

2. You’re more efficient when you’re actually focused on something.

When you gain clarity about wtf you actually need to do in a day, you’ve already won half the productivity battle my friend. Having less to do in a day means you have to spend less time on task-switching and have more time to focus on what’s in front of you. It's so much easier to accomplish things when you don’t have the threat of a chaotic task-list in the back of your brain at all times. Everybody can handle a few tasks per day.

3. Checking things off gives you that sweet serotonin.

Instead of stopping and starting a bunch of things in a day if you prioritize and limit your daily tasks to only what’s necessary you can actually get sh*t done. Know what that means? You get to do the best serotonin-inducing productivity task there is - crossing off a task as you complete it. At the end of the day, you have nothing but checked off tasks?! Look at you go, nailing this whole productivity thing. Take that life.

4. Actually completing your to-do lists gives your brain the confidence to keep it up.

I’m just going to be honest, when you give yourself an overwhelming and unrealistic list of things to accomplish in a day you set yourself up for failure. Constantly having untouched and overdue tasks tells your brain to expect disappointment and feeling unaccomplished. When you set a realistic task list and actually complete it? You’re more likely to keep up your productivity momentum and feel accomplished. So be nice to yourself, nobody is accomplishing 25 things in a day (yes, even you Karen!)

5. There’s a really cool journal that actually helps you take this less is more concept, braindump your tasks and actually get sh*t done. I wrote it.

Sure you could just brain dump everything and write it all out into a plain old notebook but that’s just one more thing to do, isn’t it? Plus it’s scientifically proven that having a cute journal will motivate you to actually use it (ok, not actually scientifically proven unless Lisa Frank counts). In WTF Am I Even Doing (Today) you get monthly braindump/idea pages, weekly task lists and daily pages to help you prioritize the crap you gotta get done. Each day you narrow down the FIVE things you want to accomplish (not 12 or 26, ONLY 5 THINGS) so you stress less and get more done.

It’s available NOW on Amazon.


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